Friday, May 12, 2006

Why Queer / Theory Now?

Queer / theory has something to say about justice, democracy, globalization, cultural and identity politics, as well as local and global politics, Empire, and capitalism. Thus, queer/-ing (as in a troubling, or a constant revolution, a continual state of revolt) is always-already an undermining, a de-centering of stable, essential/-ist, acceptable, and/or normative identity (and/as) categories, and queer/-ing is the perversion within the sanctioned, which is to say that queer/-ing is always-already at work in the work, the structure. Much like deconstruction as it was developed and disseminated by JD, queer/-ing is not "after" or "before" a/the work, but rather it is always-already there, in the corner, in the recess, in the bend, in the crack ... in the work. But, again, why queer theory now?

In this era, in this age, in this day, this today, of proliferating - hitherto unseen before - social/political catastophies it is most urgent to deploy practices, tactics, theories (all tied together) then ever before. On that note, queer/-ing would suit "us" better if "it" were thought as a movement, a gesture, an action, and/or/as a continual en-act-ment. Also, queer/-ing, I would argue "is" always-already an ethico-political movement inside-and-outside of any field. As, I mentioned above, queer/-ing is both a theory and a practice - tethered together, forever.

- Robert Summers, Copyright, 2006

*Footnotes available upon request; Blogger does not let one post footnotes or endnotes, proper; e-mail robtsum@uclaedu


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the ideas are all great; as is expanding the notion of difference/subversion outside of sexual and gender orientation. Personally, I think QT's intent of breaking down categorizations is necessary and immensely helpful. However,the word "queer" does not endear itself to many lgbt people, especially over 40/50; however hard one tries to reclaim and re-work it and its meaning into a positive, free-ranging concept:it has too much perjorative baggage historically. Secondly, WITH this baggage, and its concomitant homophobic referents, its almost certainly NOT going to be adopted by non lgbt people, ie co-opted to other struggles around eg race and disability. Theorists and their afficianadoes yes; people in the street, no. It is just too historicaly laden: perhaps "diversity"(theory)?This will probably upset some people-and that includes me, to an extent, because the ideas of QT are brilliant and refreshing-but, seperate from academic and personal interests in upholding this name, if we are to reach the all-embracing notion of "queer", as in wider social struggle for a better world, we need to educate and get people on our side; and we will not to do this, largely, through re-claiming "queer". Thanks for listening Steve Benson

2:00 AM  

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